Freudian-Foucauldian Shades on Fifty Shades of Grey

            Freud confidently stated rather unorthodoxly his understanding of the human nature as basically sexual, that every human activity is propelled by an underlying sexual predilection. His conclusion is a sifted medical finding grown out of years of practice and experiment in the field of Psychology. Unconventional as it may sound, probably under-tested compared to Aristotle’s zoon politikon (political being), nevertheless it is neither a sweeping nor precipitous one. Its immediate non-acceptance is a result of the prevailing themes at that time and considering the rootedness of such in the then circumstance, hitherto, it would demand a revolution to command social recognition. His point is shared by the more controversial figure of Foucault who championed that in the dynamics of power play, effective control over coital activities becomes necessary “to ensure action, prevent over-action… and obtain efficiency” industrially. By this token, the erotic book authored by E L James belies the same – challenging the most conventional, conservative views or should-be manifestations of human conduct.

            Indeed, in its depthless albeit picturesque nature, the book might be construed to be ludicrously pornographic, that the material is principally aimed to incite a sexual revolution. No, at least not yet. Neither Freud nor Foucault would nod in agreement to such an over-the-top phenomenon. In the slow unfolding pace of history, the last thing to be considered is an irrevocable rupture. After all, what lies behind the mainstream is a series of sluggish introduction of ideas that get tested time and again. This way no stone is left unturned.

For too long has sex been subjected to a rule that dictates what is and what not. It is high-time, as the contemporary Foucault prescribed years ago, that sex must be let out from hiding or being hidden, for it is both its elusiveness and concealment by the dominating from the general public that all kinds of discrimination arising from the different sexual orientations are engendered. The proverbial air exuded by the union of man and woman has now been contaminated with the entry of different homosexual relations and its subsequent forms. This is not a new phenomenon, in fact, subject to much contention is the Platonic love between a master and disciple. The question remains regarding its interculture-wide non-acceptance. To satisfy at this instance, it is well to note that the anatomical feature of the human body is designed for procreation, a trait shared with the rest of sentient beings. However, the faculty to transcend a biological activity for sublime purposes is what further classifies the human race at the forefront of the hierarchy of creation. Such is manifested in the aftermath of intellectual activity. Man arrives at knowledge and the application of the latter opens new terrains of consideration. It is against this background that the opus of James must be construed. Its crying out for attention is a mere manifestation of what she wants her readers to be aware of – a reality that is almost always precluded in human affairs and dialogue. In her rather lewd depiction of love in the form of sadomasochistic tendencies, James endeavors to stage one of the most misunderstood inclinations of man. The purpose of such can be gleaned from the foregoing, i.e., to take into consideration such appalling matters with open mind. Any other shades of construction of socio-political origins would produce otherwise, rendering the book futile in its attempt to display a world not even fathomable and accessible to the hoi polloi’s imagination. With such vividness, it is prudent to reserve a verdict whether the contents are experiential or meticulously researched. Nonetheless, Fifty Shades of Grey is not a perversion but an artistic exploration of sexuality via the instrumentality of literature.

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